
Showing posts from July, 2018

Prince of Punial

  PRINCE OF PUNIAL (A legacy of crown princes of Ayasho Dynasty of Punial) The title "Prince of Punial" is traditionally given to the male heir apparent of the State of Punial, and later the House of Ayasho. This title originated with the Ayasho rulers of Punial, who began using it in the late 19th century to assert their dominance over neighboring rulers. However, the formalization of the title occurred in 1889, when His Royal Highness Colonel Aqa Syed Akbar Ali Shah, following his conquest of Punial, invested his son, Syed Ismail Ali Shah, with the title. This established the tradition of granting the title to the monarch's son or grandson. In the early 21st century, the title evolved further. When His Royal Highness Aqa Syed Mayoon Ali Shah, the last ruler of Punial, decided to pass on his title, he named his grandson, Prince Sameer Shah, as the new heir apparent, marking the first time the title was granted to a grandchild. On 8 September 2005, the day after his birth...