HRH AQA COLONEL AKBAR ALI SHAH Aqa Akbar Ali Shah, also known as Aqa Shah I of Punial, was the first ruler of the Punial State, part of the Ayasho Dynasty. He was born in 1868 to Prince Bakhtawar Shah and Lady Anne Georgiana. After receiving most of his education at home and in Gilgit, he became the designated successor to the throne. His early life was marked by the influence of the Katoor Dynasty, a Sunni family that opposed the Ismaili faith, which Akbar was committed to promoting. He succeeded his father in March 1885 at just 17 years old, during a time of political unrest. Akbar faced many challenges as he sought to consolidate his power and establish authority over rival factions. In July 1888, he displayed his military skills by leading a coalition to besiege Sher Qilla, the Katoor capital. His strategic leadership resulted in the Katoor ruler's surrender and an oath of allegiance, marking a significant victory for the Ayasho Dynasty. After this success, Akbar focused on str...
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